

(+47) 486 84 733
Stavanger, Norway


About Me

Hi, I am Dhritiman, but you can call me Dhri. I am a master graduate in interaction design, from the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.

I thrive in challenging, multidisciplinary projects, working in diverse teams. I love creating delightful interactions between people and technology, both digitally and physically.

In my diploma project, Calm at Work, I explored through simple products, how can we make the experience of working partly from home, and partly from an office, just a bit more calm.

Download PDF version of the Diploma Report - Calm at Work here (18 MB).


Download PDF Version of the CV.


Masters in Interaction Design (fall 2017 - spring 2019)
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Norway

Bachelors in Civil Engineering (fall 2010 - spring 2014)
National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India


UX Designer, Montaag AS, Stavanger (August 2020 - February 2021)

In my most recent role as a designer at Montaag, I have worked in a wide variety of projects, ranging from UX design for security cameras, packaging and interaction for electric car chargers, experience design for buildings and public parks and 3d mockups for medical equipment.

Co-founder, SaturdayScape Lifestyle (late 2015 - mid 2017)

We, in a team of 3, started a t-shirt and lifestyle brand and I was responsible for designing the complete brand identity, graphics for t-shirts, two notebooks, business and manufacturer relations, the fabric, the dye, the yarn, the website and the customer journey without any previous design experience.

Download a snapshot of the design work here.


  • Digital prototyping in Figma, Adobe XD, Webflow

  • Physical prototyping with Arduino, 3D printers

  • 3D modelling in Rhino & Fusion 360

  • Planning and running workshops